How To Workout At Home
It was eight in the evening. One person remained in a thousand-person office, alone in the dark. The only light came from the screen, where numbers and letters scrolled endlessly.
Diet is the single factor for losing weight
Tommy continued going to the gym after starting to strengthen his weak inner thighs. One month later, after a visit to his masseur, he shifted his focus from training the large mus
Why you have overly tight muscles
It has now been over a year since Tommy started training. He’s tried various training styles and even pushed his limits by preparing for a running race. Tommy is enjoying life, f
How combining fitness and a sport can improve your health
On a Saturday afternoon, Tommy was at the football pitch watching a friend play football. Twenty minutes into the match, Tommy’s friend got a free kick right outside the pena
How to stop your head from spinning before bed time
A few months after the breathwork session. It was close to being December, just the end of November. Tommy’s workload had begun to increase as he had to finish a lot of projects
Breathwork – a mind body experience
Tommy was walking down the street on his way home from work. As he was halfway to his apartment, he saw a poster on the light pole at the street corner. It said Saturday at 10 o
Exploring Health and Wellness at the Brussels Event
Tommy had always been curious about health and wellness trends but never really dove deep into them. This year, he decided to attend a special event in Brussels, a city known for i
THe most optimal way to workout
It is a sunny September Saturday. Tommy is working out in the park when he sees an old friend passing by. Tommy yelled, “Hey, Victor!” Victor turned around, saw Tommy waving at
How to build the most amount of strength
On an end-of-summer Friday evening, Tommy was walking to the local park near his apartment in Brussels. Tommy had a hectic week, and when he clocked out on Friday afternoon, he was
6-12-25 Workout program explained
For the past year, I have followed a calisthenics workout program using the 6-12-25 method. I started the program at the end of December and continued until the end of March. This